Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Forest Fire 6.1.10

6.1.10 After leaving our beautiful camping spot by the Peace River, between Fort St. John, and Hudson Hope, and doing laundry in Fort Nelson (which was very expensive, $2.50 per wash load), we encountered a road block just out of town. It was a forest fire, and we got to see the 'Hot Shots" in action. We weren't detained too long, and were on our way again. I learned a new road term. 'Frost Heave'. I thought the signs meant undulation,or road bump. The road was usually very rough over the heaves.

The road is not as good as it has been, and often is just gravel. We don't go very fast, hoping to protect the motor home a bit. We did see lots of different animals however, many bears, stone sheep (a lighter colored mountain sheep), moose, deer. and something small,brown and furry. We weren't allowed to stop on the road for picture taking, and the turnouts weren't big enough for our rig. It was a long day of driving, and we were very glad to get to our night spot at Toad River Campground.

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