Saturday, June 12, 2010

6.5.10 Whitehorse, Yukon

6.5 - 7.10 Whitehorse abd Tok

Well, fancy remember that horrible road that we took to come into Skagway? We're taking it back out. and no one has repaired it. SLOW GO again... The climb out wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. We dumped most of or water to lighten our load a bit. Maybe that helped. We are in Whitehorse, Yukon, and have just toured the local Wal Mart. We really are blessed to be in the US and have clean and comfort at our disposal.One funny thing many people here are in their sandals and shorts. One of us is confused... Jack wanted to tour the Yukon Brewery, so he did....complete with samples.

Whitehorse, in the days of Klondike Fever, was one of the major ports for the Steamboats. The SS Klondike, a paddle wheeler, has been restored and is moored in town. The Steamboats aided the stampede to this area. It is almost unbelievable the thousands of people that crowded the streets during the 'Gold Rush' area. The SS Klondike was one of 250 paddle boats that ran up and down the river through this area for 50 years, aiding the trappers, gamblers and fortune seekers. They also hauled ore mined in the areas.

6.6.10 Spent the night at a Canadian Superstore parking lot with 6 other rigs. Wal-Mart was nearby and had 17 rigs parked in their lot. It's good that there are so many places that will let us park for free as wee travel. They know we will come in and shop.

In spite of not getting and address for church before we left Skagway, Alaska, Jack was able to find one for me. (We're back in Canada and have no phone service). Lucky me, I got to play the organ for the prelude music. They said the organ doesn't get used very much. One of the fulltime missionaries played the piano for the meeting. I didn't take my music, but should should always have it with me. You never know when it will be needed.

We finally made it to ALASKA!!!! We also took a picture of the International Boundary. I could stand in two countries at the same time. I was looking for Russia, but couldn't see it yet. lol

6.7.10 TOK Alaska Jack had to start the day by working before breakfast. The roads were so bad the last part of Canada, that the hitch was sbent in several places. So, after doing a lot of hammering to straighten it out a bit, we stopped in Tok to get it repaired. What a difference when we hit roads from the good ol' USA. They're not in a big hurry here...we arrived at about 10am, went to breakfast, groomed the dogs, Jack puttered around with motor home stuff, and here it is 1pm and we finally wee him welding. 2:00.... Here comes Jack with the tow bar. Yea!!!!!

The welding shop in Tok had a lot to offer. Jack ahd a tough decision to make... Keep the Cherokee, or get a new truck?... lol Looks a lot like a Scrambler.....

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