Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oct 2010 Leaving Ak/Custer/Victoria/GRose/Lincoln

Oct 2, 2010  On the road again....We leave Fairbanks with heavy hearts, as two weeks ago, our friend Art, had a massive stroke and today, he died.  Shari is going with her Mother to San Diego, and will not return to Alaska until next May, at which time she will deal with the two houses and their belongings.

 It has been good to be with Art and his wife, Shari, and what a treat to have them invite us here for the summer.  We spent most of the time in  Fairbanks parked in the Sportsman's Warehouse parking lot, as it was more convenient while we were working.  However, it was so relaxing to pull into their property for a couple days a week for R & R.  They  didn't get the house finished enough to move in while we were there, but we stayed thee anyway.  The four of us spent some good times with Shari's BBQ's, the eating out, going to the movies, and sitting at our favorite table in front of Coldstone Creamery. Yummmmmm.  Glad we had this lovely experience, but we are sad that we didn't get any pictures of us with them....We really liked being in Alaska, but are looking forward to the lower 48 to be with family.

Frost Heaves give a whole new meaning to the term "Rock n Roll" as the motor home rumbles along the highway.  Some places have been repaired since our coming up here, but we still bent the axle, again.  Jack just used his manly muscles and pounded it back into place.  We saw herds of elk and moose as we were leaving, and enjoyed the many changing colors of the trees.  Everything was so densely green when we came up, that the contrast was like seeing a whole new land.

Oct 7, 2010  We finally arrived back in the good ol' USA.  Jack drove really hard for the past 5 days, and the 6th day, we are taking it easy in Great Falls Montana.

Oct 8, 2010 We stopped at the " Little Big Horn" and toured the area of Custer's Last Stand.  How brutal the wars were, and what a price was paid for the development of our country, on both sides.  We thank those that gave their lives for us.

Oct 11, 2010  Well, that could have been bad!! I wrote that on our way to Alaska we bent the tow bar in the 'frost heaves', well we bent it again coming out, and Jack hammered it back as best he could.  And...after we left Joel's place in Longmont, CO, driving down the freeway we felt a bump in the motor home.  As we looked in the backup camera, our towed Jeep was no longer in the center of the screen, but over to one side.  The tow bar had come off the ball, and the Jeep was being held with the safety chain.  I'm a believer in safety chains, and we now have a new tow bar.

Oct 12 - 21, 2010  Bernice flew to Sacramento to spend some time with children, and see a good friend, Sylvia Roberts.    Sylvia had been walking across the street and was hit by a car that severely broke her body from top to bottom.  Thankfully, she will not be paralyzed, but recovery will be long and slow.  Bernice was originally going to see grandsons coming and going on missions for the LDS church.  One grandson, Kyle, just returned from two years in Chile, and another, Blake, is getting ready to submit his papers.  Unfortunately, we can't always be to those farewells and homecomings.  Stefani, Melissa and Bobby's daughter in Utah just left for a mission to Atlanta, GA.  Didn't get to that farewell.   Sad :(

Oct 22, 2010 Victoria Hwa Hsu was born.  She has lots of black hair, and has sweet delicate features.

Oct 26, 2010 Went dancing and had a fun evening with the kids at the Grizzly Rose Saloon and Dance Emporium.  The twins remember when we used to take them dancing with us to competitions.  Fun times!!!!  I know it's blurry, but one of the kids sent it to me, and this is what I got...

Oct 20, 2010 Stopped in Ogallala, NE, and had a very lovely visit with one of Jack's high school friends, Ron Holscher and his wife Karon.  Dinner out was very fun, and Karon and Bernice shared lots of quilt project ideas!!   Jack and Ron had a successful pheasant hunting outing in Ogallala.  Jack missed a lot more then he hit.  haha


Oct 31, 2010 We then went to Lincoln, NE to visit Jack's sister, Myrna, her son Scott and wife Patti, along with their three growing boys.  Jim, Jack's brother, and his wife Pam met us there.  What a great visit we all had.

It was nice to get together, and not have a funeral make it happen...  What a nice way to spend Halloween....lol

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